How’s Your Motivation To Eat Healthily And Exercise Consistently?
If you struggle to motivate yourself then you’ll (hopefully) appreciate my first ever Facebook Live as I discuss 5 ways to increase your motivation.
Firstly thing to say – which I forgot to mention on camera – is that motivation does not result in taking an action. Normally people say ‘I don’t have the motivation to exercise’, and it may seems strange to think otherwise, but actually taking action results in motivation in my experience. It’s like magic – if you can just take a tiny action, motivation to do more follows!
So here’s a quick roundup of the video:
1. Know what you want
2. Keep your goal the goal and don’t be a magpie
3. Do just ONE thing at a time – make it easy
4. Monitor your progress
5. Make decisions based on your outcome, always asking ‘how’s this working for me?’
I hope this helps you get and stay motivated!
And, just so you know, I’m putting together a brand-new program starting Monday 18th May. This is specifically for busy women and men in their 30’s, 40s or 50s who want to regain lost fitness, lose 10 pounds and learn to stay consistent in the next 60 days.
It’s a remote program, so you can join from anywhere in the world.
I’m looking for 5 people to test it out at a HUGE DISCOUNT, help me work out the kinks, and get amazing results that I can use as a case study. If that’s you, contact me with ‘tell me more’ and I’ll message you with the details.