I'll Show You How To Stop Yo Yo Dieting And Feel Confident Again

If you’re ready to lose the weight you haven’t been able to shed for years… gain more energy than ever before… and find new confidence in your body… Get started below ⬇️

Nico Valla


You're here! I can't wait to help you ditch the diets and upgrade your health and fitness... for good!

PN Certified Coach
Certified Online Personal Trainer UK

Over the course of the next 12 months I went from 16 stone to 11, signed up for, and regularly participated in, my local Parkrun, and learned some truly valuable life-hacks.

Nico taught me how to make good choices, adopt great habits, and how to make myself accountable to me.

18 months later, the weight is still off, and I catch myself recalling Nico’s advice and sharing it with friends and family - this was a truly life-changing experience for me.

If you’re ready to take control but need someone to show you the way, I wholeheartedly recommend Nico to you.



I help Chronic Dieters Quit Diets So They Can Upgrade Their Health And Lose The Weight Sustainably

If you've been on the diet cycle of failure for what seems like forever and you're ready to discover how to stop yo yo dieting, then read on and get in touch.

Losing weight is a surface level goal. Focusing on weight loss never works long term. As a deep health coach I'll help you take a better approach. We'll work on your deep health, and in doing so my clients on average lose 21lbs or more, optimise their energy levels and upgrade all aspects of their life. Without diets!

This is what the weight loss industry isn't telling you - diets don't work.

We have no diets or crazy long workouts here, and it works even if you've got low willpower and have failed before (who hasn't?). Yes, you'll lose weight sustainably, without restriction, discomfort or complicated rules. Beyond weight loss, our deep health approach will help you:

Reconnect with Your True Self

Find who you are again so you can live authentically and feel fulfilled.

Feel Confident and Energised

Restore your self-esteem so you can enjoy every moment and tackle life's challenges with enthusiasm.

Cultivate Lasting Happiness

Embrace a healthier, happier lifestyle so you can connect deeply with loved ones and thrive in all aspects of life.

What Clients Say

Women's Weight Loss Program

Lost 9lbs on the first 8 weeks of the program followed by 7lbs in a month or so since, down a clothes size, and doing daily exercise.

Jenny S


I am sleeping so much better and have found the wonders of the early morning tranquillity and it is amazing…

Kat F

Online Personal Training Member Antonia

Over the last few months he has given me the inspiration and motivation to get fit and eat and feel well.

Antonia T

I did learn some valuable things, most notably that change needs to be incremental if it is to be lasting, not grand gestures that fizzle out.

Sian E

Hi, I'm Nico

Helping my clients is important to me for 3 reasons.

First, I've had my own dieting and binge eating journey. Decades of incremental weight gain, followed by restriction... and then quitting. The cycle continued until I learned how to stop yo yo dieting by using a habit based approach to nutrition and health. The result - I'm 30kg down and have a much better relationship with food. 

Second, in 2017, a female friend of mine died from an eating disorder at just 33. This loss terrified me as a parent, and made me acutely aware of the pressures of diet culture, social media body image ideals and disordered eating habits many men and women struggle with.

Thirdly, as a father, I’m committed to leading by example for my daughter and two sons, fostering healthy relationships with food. And I want to pass these skills on to my clients so they can do the same.

Since 2009 I have had the privilege to help hundreds of clients quit the diet cycle, get consistent and finally achieve sustainable weight loss.

I know that by empowering myself and the clients I work with to develop strong, healthy habits, we can lead ourselves, families and communities towards a healthier future.

What Is a Deep Health Coach?

A Deep Health Coach is more than just a fitness or nutrition expert.

We look at the bigger picture—focusing on what makes you truly thrive, inside and out.

While most traditional diets only address surface-level goals like weight loss or physical fitness, a Deep Health Coach digs deeper, exploring all areas of your life to help you achieve genuine, lasting wellness.

How Does Deep Health Coaching Work?

If you want to learn how to stop yo yo dieting and achieve sustainable weight loss, a deep health coaching approach is the missing link. I'll guide you through a personalised journey that touches on each of these six pillars.

Rather than offering a one-size-fits-all solution, we’ll work together to identify your unique challenges and strengths.

We’ll set goals that align with your deeper values, helping you create sustainable habits that support your long-term well-being.

For example, if you’re struggling to lose weight or with low energy, we won’t just look at your diet.

We’ll consider how stress, sleep, and even your relationships might be contributing to your weight gain and fatigue.

This comprehensive approach ensures that all aspects of your life are in balance, leading to more effective and lasting results.

Deep Health is a holistic approach that encompasses six key areas:

The Six Pillars of Deep Health

Why Choose Deep Health Coaching?

If you’ve tried diets, workout plans, or quick fixes that never seem to stick, Deep Health Coaching offers a refreshing alternative.

Instead of focusing on what’s wrong or what needs to be fixed, we concentrate on what’s possible.

We’ll build a foundation that not only helps you reach your physical goals but also enhances your emotional, mental, and relational health.

This is the missing piece in most health and fitness programs—a deep, all-encompassing approach that honours the complexity of your life.

With Deep Health Coaching, you’ll not only see changes in your body but in your mindset, your relationships, and your overall sense of well-being.

  • Physical Health: This includes your fitness level, nutrition, sleep, and overall body composition. It’s about how well your body functions and how you physically feel day-to-day.
  • Emotional Health: Here, we explore your ability to manage and express your emotions in a healthy way. This pillar focuses on building resilience, managing stress, and cultivating a positive mindset.
  • Mental Health: Mental clarity, focus, and cognitive function are essential to Deep Health. We’ll work on enhancing your mental well-being by addressing issues like stress, anxiety, and self-talk.
  • Relational Health: Your connections with others—family, friends, colleagues—are vital to your overall health. A Deep Health Coach helps you nurture these relationships to create a supportive and fulfilling social environment.
  • Existential Health: This is about finding meaning and purpose in life. Whether it’s through work, hobbies, or community involvement, this pillar ensures you’re living a life that aligns with your values and passions.
  • Environmental Health: Your surroundings can greatly impact your well-being. From your home environment to the places you spend most of your time, we’ll examine how your surroundings support or hinder your health goals.

We Should Work Together If

I'm the coach for you if you're ready to look beyond diets.

Yes you want weight loss, and you also want to rediscover yourself, boost your self-confidence, and feel great about how you look.

You want to restore your self-esteem, reconnect with friends, find fun again, and embrace this new chapter. 

Want to feel motivated, make a difference, and find your voice with me as your guide. 

Rediscover Your True Self 

Find the joy and fulfilment you deserve.

Boost Your Confidence

Feel great in your skin and enjoy every moment.

Energise Your Life

Embrace daily activities with renewed enthusiasm and vitality.

PN Certified Coach
Certified Online Personal Trainer UK

Discover How To Stop Yo Yo Dieting With 14 Days Free Coaching

If you’re ready to lose the weight you haven’t been able to shed for years… gain more energy than ever before… and find new confidence in your body… Connect with your coach to get started...


