Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a personal trainer? If you are intrigued then please take a look into this personal training session with one of my clients, Dan. His goals are very much sports specific and he is also working hard to get his body composition down to the magical 10% fat mass. If you’ve got a spare 44 seconds, take a peek into his workout below:
Personal Trainer Session In The Gym In Warmley
Dan is quite advanced in terms of his fitness and has achieved in many areas of his endurance sport including his Ironman triathlon, the Tough Guy adventure race where he cam 4th place, and most recently the London Marathon where he achieved 3 hours with a fantastic effort and a well deserved PB.
His current goals are cycling related and he is also focusing on his nutrition in order to achieve his body composition and sporting goals.
If you are not at Dan’s level please don’t be put off by what you see in this video. Dan always works extremely hard in his sessions but he has built up to this level, and I recommend that if you are looking to drop some body fat and get fitter you do so in a sustainable and consistent way too.
There are lots of articles on this blog that will point you in the right direction, and in addition to this you are welcome to redeem your free personal training voucher here.
Free Personal Training, Weight Loss And Fitness Pack
If you just want a kick start to your fitness with a home workout I have put together a free fitness pack that you can download below. It includes the following:
- Gender-specific presentation on losing body fat
- Two reports on weight loss considerations for men and women
- Weight Loss Considerations For Women
- Sustainable guide to weight loss and avoiding crash diets
- Nutrition Quick Guide
- 30day Kick Start fitness plan
- £45 Voucher towards a fitness and weight loss ‘strategy’ personal training session with me
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